• 2 марта 2018, пятница
  • Онлайн

CEO Night Talk

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2266 дней назад
2 марта 2018 c 16:00 до 17:00

Friends! We are happy to inform you that on this Friday (2.03) we are launching another stream "CEO night talk". Headers of the air — Dmitry Machikhin, CEO of Midex, and Konstantin Negachev, CEO of VRT World. Join us for an interesting conversation about ICO

Headers of the air — Dmitry Machikhin, CEO of Midex, and Konstantin Negachev, CEO of VRT World.

Join us for an interesting conversation on the following topics:

- Innovation in the crypto environment

- The importance for companies to educate consumers

- ICO: Are we at peak ICO — rate of ICO in the market

- How ICOs work

- Difference between security coin and utility coin — which one is more useful for consumers and for ICOs

- Crypto Breakthrough: What will be the tipping point for crypto having a place in traditional markets

About speakers:

Dmitry Machikhin CEO Midex
Princeton University
The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law
Moscow Business school

Dmitry began his career as a lawyer and worked in large international companies in the financial and banking sectors. After working for some time in consulting in one of the leadings law firm Clifford Chance in Paris and Luxembourg, Dmitry became a Partner of a law firm in Moscow. Since 2013, he has been a professional consultant for several startups around the world. In same time, Dmitry has launched several his own projects of his own. Dmitry is in the crypto industry since 2014. He has advised over 30 blockchain projects and he is the author of numerous articles in different media. In 2017, he was appointed as CEO of Midex IT.

Konstantin Negachev CEO VRT World

Konstantin has overseen four major international projects, in which he served as general and executive director. During his time managing ILN Softlab, he acquired valuable experience in creating digital products. Over seven years’ experience creating and managing company offices all over the world makes Konstantin an expert in the strategic and business aspects of the Project. His varied experience includes working with VR solutions, IT development, and franchising, inspiring confidence and creating incredible opportunities for the VRT Project. Konstantin is a media expert and consultant who works closely with various media and analyst firms and has his own expert blog on “Echo of Moscow” and other sites.


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